Jasper de Kloet            cinematographer                        → selected work                            → commercial      → narrative               → photography             contact


Jasper de kloet is an Amsterdam & Los Angeles based
Director of Photography working on 
music videos, commercial & narrative films.

Featured on Directors Library, 
Shots, Kodak, Beyond the Short,  
Boooomtv, Think Very Little, Lensaddiction, 
Vimeo Staff Pick and won two silver YDA Cannes 
& “On the cusp” shortlisted 1.4 Awards.

For projects and inquiries please feel 
free to contact me.

Currently under narrative mentorship at ASC
[American Society of Cinematographer] by DP Robert Primes.
E: jasper@jasperdekloet.com
T: +31 6 22076936
NSC associate member